Insert And Update In One Stored Procedure Tutorial
PostPics/image/add-insert-update-delete-using-entity-framework-database-first-in-asp-net-a-step-by-step-example7.png' alt='Insert And Update In One Stored Procedure Tutorial' title='Insert And Update In One Stored Procedure Tutorial' />INSERTUPDATE failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings QUOTEDIDENTIFIER In this article we will discuss on when we get the errors like below in Sql Server and how to resolve them. Msg 1. 93. 4, Level 1. State 1, Procedure Add. Employee, Line 5. INSERT failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings QUOTEDIDENTIFIER. Verify that SET options are correct for use with indexed views andor indexes on computed columns andor filtered indexes andor query notifications andor XML data type methods andor spatial index operations. First to reproduce this scenario we will create a demo db, table, populate sample data in the table and create a stored procedure to add the data to table CREATE DATABASE Demo. SQLHints. USE Demo. SQLHints. SET ANSINULLS ON. CREATE TABLE dbo. EmployeeEmployee. Id int identity1,1. First. Name VARCHAR5. Last. Name VARCHAR5. Insert 1k records using GO statement as below. INSERT INTO dbo. EmployeeFirst. Name,Last. Name VALUESNEWID,NEWID. Create Stored Procedure to insert record in Employee Table with. Understanding_the_Basic_of_Triggers/Image1.jpg' alt='Insert And Update In One Stored Procedure Tutorial' title='Insert And Update In One Stored Procedure Tutorial' />Naming Stored Procedure Action. I liked to first give the action that the stored procedure takes and then give it a name representing the object it will affect. Create a table called NewId containing one column named Id of type int. Update your model from the database. This gives you a NewId entity that you can use to get. Eclipse Java IDE. This tutorial describes the usage of Eclipse as a Java IDE. It describes the installation of Eclipse, the creation of Java programs and tips for. Social Email Extractor Cracked. QUOTEDIDENTIFIER setting set to OFF. SET QUOTEDIDENTIFIER OFF. CREATE PROCEDURE DBO. Add. EmployeeFirst. Name VARCHAR5. 0,Last. Name VARCHAR5. 0. SET NOCOUNT ON. INSERT INTO dbo. EmployeeFirst. Name,Last. Name. VALUES First. Name, Last. Name. GOBelow statement to insert record in the Employee table, successfully executes and inserts a record in the employee table EXEC DBO. Add. Employee Basavaraj,Biradar. GONow try to create a filtered index New Feature introduced in Sql Server 2. To create filtered index, sql server requires it to be created with SET QUOTEDIDENTIFIER setting as ON. SET QUOTEDIDENTIFIER ON. Learn how to fetch data using stored procedure usign DbContext in Entity Framework 5. Java2s. com Emailinfo at java2s. Demo Source and Support. All rights reserved. CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IXEmplyoeeEmployee. Id. ON EmployeeEmployee. Id WHERE Employee. Id 5. 00. GOAfter creating the above filtered index, try executing the below statement which was executed successfully prior to the creation of the filtered index. EXEC DBO. Add. Employee Basavaraj,Biradar. GOThis time the execution of the above statement returns the below error Msg 1. Level 1. 6, State 1, Procedure Add. Employee, Line 5. INSERT failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings QUOTEDIDENTIFIER. Verify that SET options are correct for use with indexed views andor indexes on computed columns andor filtered indexes andor query notifications andor XML data type methods andor spatial index operations. Reason for this error is Employee table has filtered index and due to this any DML statement on this table which is executed with SET QUOTEDIDENTIFIER setting as OFF will result in failure. Here as the stored procedure Add. Employee is created with SET QUOTEDIDENTIFIER setting as OFF, so whenever this sp is executed it will use this setting stored in the meta data. To solve this issue, we need to re create the SP Add. Crazy Talk V4.0 Media Studio (Full). Employee with QUOTEDIDENTIFIER setting as ON as shown below DROP PROCEDURE dbo. Add. Employee. SET QUOTEDIDENTIFIER ON. CREATE PROCEDURE DBO. Add. EmployeeFirst. Name VARCHAR5. 0,Last. Name VARCHAR5. 0. SET NOCOUNT ON. INSERT INTO dbo. EmployeeFirst. Name,Last. Name. VALUES First. Name, Last. Name. GONow, try executing the below statement EXEC DBO. Add. Employee Basavaraj,Biradar. GONow, the above statement executes successfully and inserts a record in the employee table You would also like to gothrough the article SET Options with their setting values required while working with filtered index. Please go through the article SET QUOTEDIDENTIFIER ONOFF Setting in Sql Server to have detailed information on this setting. It is better practice to use SET QUOTEDIDENTIFIERS ON setting. Please correct me, if my understanding is wrong. Comments are always welcome. Note All the examples in this article are tested on Sql Server 2. ALSO READ Difference Between SET QUOTEDIDENTIFIER ON and OFF setting.